I’ve just discovered that my helper is pregnant. What are my legal obligations as an employer and how best can I help her?

The situation in Singapore for pregnant helpers is very clear cut. Unless they are married to a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, their Work Permit is cancelled and they are deported due to breach of contract.

The employer must buy a ticket for the Helper to be sent home. Personally we find it sad that they are not given other considerations or options, but it is the law. Employers who fail to do this risk losing the $5,000 security deposit they parked with the ministry.

In order to keep their jobs, some helpers have resorted to using potentially dangerous drugs to terminate the pregnancy in time for their medical tests. Some employers have consulted us if they could opt for ‘legal abortion” through arrangement with private clinics. The answer is no. Even when the choice of abortion is the MDW’s. Anything can happen in the abortion clinic. When complication happens, the full medical liabilities fall on the employer.

According to the Ministry of Manpower, if the MDW is pregnant, employer must notify MOM’s Work Pass Division through iSubmit web portal or email to mom_wpd@mom.gov.sg with the following information:

  • Name of FDW
  • Work Permit number
  • Doctor’s letter/memo confirming the pregnancy and her expected delivery date
  • Citizenship of the FDW’s spouse (if applicable)

Although the figures prove that the number of MDW getting pregnant each year is low, we take precautionary measures by educating all the MDWs deployed from our Agency that getting pregnant could result in them losing their job and work permit and banned from working in Singapore.

Employers should also have regular chats with their Helper about these risks and be on a lookout for changes in a Helper’s behaviour.