When it comes to hiring a maid for your household in Singapore, one of the key decisions you’ll need to make is whether to hire an ex-Singapore (Ex-Sin) maid or an ex-abroad maid. Each option has its own set of advantages and challenges, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision that best suits your needs.

1. Cultural Adjustment

Ex-Sin Maids: Maids who have previously worked in Singapore are already familiar with the local lifestyle, customs, and dietary preferences. They have had the opportunity to adjust to the culture and routines of Singaporean households, which can lead to a smoother transition when they join your family.

Ex-Abroad Maids: Maids who have only worked in their home country may need more time to adjust to the new lifestyle and culture in Singapore. They will have to learn and adapt to local customs, food preferences, and household routines, which might take some time.

2. Communication Skills

Ex-Sin Maids: Having worked in Singapore before, these maids are likely to have a better grasp of English or local languages. This can make daily interactions and communication within the household smoother and more efficient.

Ex-Abroad Maids: Communication might be more challenging initially for maids who are new to Singapore. They may need some time and support to improve their language skills and understand the nuances of daily communication.

3. Familiarity with Household Expectations

Ex-Sin Maids: Maids with experience in Singapore are usually more familiar with the expectations and standards of local households. They understand the level of cleanliness, organization, and specific household chores that are typically expected in Singapore.

Ex-Abroad Maids: Maids who have only worked in their home country may not be as familiar with the specific expectations and standards of Singaporean households. They may need more guidance and training to meet these expectations.

4. Independence and Confidence

Ex-Sin Maids: Having previous experience in Singapore, these maids tend to be more independent and confident in handling tasks and responsibilities. They are often better equipped to manage their duties with minimal supervision.

Ex-Abroad Maids: Maids with no prior experience in Singapore might require more supervision and guidance initially. However, with proper training and support, many can quickly adapt and perform their duties efficiently.

5. Salary Considerations

Ex-Sin Maids: Due to their prior experience and familiarity with the local environment, ex-Singapore maids generally command higher salaries. This is an important factor to consider in your decision-making process, as it will impact your household budget.

Ex-Abroad Maids: Maids who are new to Singapore usually have lower salary expectations compared to ex-Singapore maids. This can be a more cost-effective option if you are willing to invest time in their training and adjustment period.


While each maid’s performance and adaptability can vary, considering these factors can help you set realistic expectations and make a choice that aligns with your household needs.

Ex-Sin maids can offer a smoother transition and a quicker adjustment period due to their familiarity with the local environment. On the other hand, ex-abroad maids may require more time and support to adapt but can bring fresh perspectives and dedication to their new roles.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific requirements and how much time and effort you are willing to invest in training and supporting your new maid. Regardless of your choice, creating a supportive and understanding environment can greatly enhance the working relationship and overall satisfaction for both your household and your maid.

For personalized advice and assistance in selecting the right maid for your needs, feel free to contact us at EELIT Agency. We are here to help you make the best decision for your home and family.